Thursday 19 February 2015

40ACTS - Day 2 Chinwag

"You shall love the stranger." Deuteronomy 10:19 (NRSV)
I’m going to level with you. I love to talk. I love a good long chinwag over a cup of tea, talking about everything and anything that has happened in the history of humankind.
To the embarrassment of my children, I think nothing of striking up a conversation with the person behind me in the queue at the bank, or the parent sitting next to me at swimming lessons. I know most of the cashiers at my local supermarket by name.
I can’t help it; the words just fall out of my head. But I know I’m a little unusual. I know that others find talking harder; they prefer to keep themselves to themselves. But the thing is, I think words are a gift, a parcel, wrapped up in a smile, to someone who may not have spoken to anyone all day. What’s more, I think Jesus would say the same – he talked to people everywhere he went and never thought twice about introducing himself to a stranger.
We live in a world of increasing individualism; we’re a nation of independent entities quietly co-existing. Words create community. When we’ve taken the minutes it takes to say ‘Hi’ to our neighbours, we’ve begun to create connections.
Connections can grow and bring light and life. From hello, you can build up to knowing each other’s names and occupations and family status. Then before you know it, you’re inviting someone in for coffee, or offering to pick up a pint of milk for them whilst you’re at the shops. You’re feeding their goldfish whilst they go away for a weekend. You’re listening to their worries as they face the fear of cancer, and praying for them, sharing Jesus in the house next door.
It’s possible I talk too much, and there certainly isn’t airspace for everyone in the world to chatter as much as I do. But perhaps today you could choose to have a constructive chinwag and brighten up someone’s day.
Bekah Legg

You can view all of today's page here

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