Thursday 24 April 2014

Hello - Can you tell me what the job's like?

The beginning of a rather interesting telephone call as one of those considering applying for a job engaged with me. Of course they didn't ask the one important question (are you going for it). Of course, even if I had been I'd have answered exactly the same way because I'd like to think that vacancies are all about having the right person in the post - after all, it's not like we're in the world now, is it?

What made it interesting was my ability to see the parish as a complete entity with four separate buildings whilst the person on the other end of the line see one!  Still, it was fun to talk about a place where the churches work together so well and to dwell on a fantastic past (Capital city of Mercia you know) and an equally promising future. The web presence is A work in progress - but better than it was (I hope).

So here we are - just a few days and the applications will be in and the sifting will be done - wonder who else might pop in, for it's always fun when someone appears and says they're thinking of moving in and then starts asking about ASA, Parish Share and the like - you know, the stuff you usually ask when thinking of joining a church :-) or telephones and asks about the job (been from same college or friend of a friend so far).

Exciting times ahead :-)

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