Monday 20 January 2014

Makes Sense to me: Cultural lies

The words on this image are so very true and yet, even if you agree with them, I wonder how many people (including perhaps yourself) commit the acts or own the attitudes they refer to?

The truth is:

I don't fear people who are different to me (unless of course they are dangerous)

I don't hate the people who are different to me (although if they're not nice then, even if they're like me, well - you know!)

I do love people who are different to me (and that love means I am accepting and inclusive - but it doesn't mean I am permissive).


Unknown said...

Vic, I was thinking exactly the same yesterday

Undergroundpewster said...

It is the age old problem: God is not as permissive as I would like Him to be.

That remains a tough thing to communicate.