Friday 26 July 2013

Grateful - Who wouldn't be?

That's me, and for good reason too!

The reasons are many and obvious but for those who might need for me to tell them, here they are:

We have a Housegroup that came into being from a joint Anglican/Methodist Alpha course and it has proved to be a blessing and a joy then and now. Such lovely people and such a depth in personalities and abilities that I'm blessed every time I'm with them and joyful when I think of them.

We are about to have our second shared service with the local Methodist church and their minister, Tim, is to preach - a source of blessing as we seek to work as Kingdom rather than within denominational limitations.

Tamworth Street Angels is coming together - an ambition of mine for some time - and the web presence and Twitter account are now in place.

The next stage of having the plans drawn up for a new building is underway. The result will, I trust and pray, allow us to engage even more with the community we exist to serve.

The potential for a Mission Shaped Ministry (MSM) course in the Autumn is on the way to becoming a reality.

And that's the tip of the iceberg.

There's family, friends and so much to be grateful for in so many areas that to list them would be tedious for those reading. So I'll stop here and just praise God for His goodness.

Happy Friday


Allie P said...

I am grateful, too, for many things and many people. Among those people is a certain VMCvdB I met in the 1980s in Hounslow.

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

:-) Thank you