Saturday 1 June 2013

Fast Cars and Blondes

A combination destined to turn heads: Well this one was for she was the talk of the store as I entered. Seems that everyone was rather impressed at the parking.

Prize of the day goes to the bloke who said, 'If you parked sideways you could take up the whole !!**$$!! row, duck!'

Mind you, I didn't think it was that good, after all it wasn't central now, was it?


Bob said...

Just about enough space to get a Land Rover in the larger bit of the bay she's not occupying ;-)
No exchange of paint, but I would be most upset if she removed any of the carefully collected "brown lumpy paint"....

Joel said...

Vicar, I think your sense of humour must get you into trouble sometimes with your congregation!!

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

Not the congregation but I think I know one pointyhat who might struggle - which demonstrates a paucity in him rather than me, methinks :-)

George said...

I think his sense of humour should be bottled and passed around the other clergy, wish ours had half as much life. Better still perhaps he needs to be made a pointyhead but that wouldn't happen as he seems too sound, too enthusiastic and can laugh at himself.

Between po faced managing decline bishops and clergy and a secular world I think we need more Vic the Vicar

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

Cripes - me a pointyhat? Now that's a thought that will never see the light of reality - but thank you for your vote :-)

Should say that generally those around me might sigh at times but I offence is something I'd be sad to cause and rarely find taken.

For me the key is the ability to laugh at oneself as much as you might others - seems to work well (that and a weird sense of humour perhaps)


Soup D said...

As the one who often shakes her head, I still concur with George - more like my man would make the world and the church a much better place ;)