Monday 9 January 2012

Resources and Mission - Where are you?

When it comes to 'being church' there are, in the final analysis, but two parameters to be taken into account:

!. Resources - Spiritual health, People, networks, building, equipment, money, etc.

2. Mission - Going into all the world, making disciples, being Christ to the world - taking Christ to the world.

Now if there are but two elements to be considered we have but four states of existence and it is these that aid us (not label or condemn) to understand the present and the task before us if we are to have a future (and Christ is to be made known where we are).

The chart below sums it up nicely:

The above graphic came from our 'Vision 2012' meeting last night and it is from this that I would like to dialogue with and consider issues that must visit all who are engaged in 'being Church', regardless of denomination, churchmanship and leadership structures.

I hope you will take this journey with me and perhaps come up with clarity where at the moment I see, but see as if there were 'trees walking'. May God fully open my, and our eyes, and my those who read this and have knowledge and understand that passes this ordinary cleric by, enlighten us.



Anonymous said...

1.) I don't care.
2.) It doesn't matter. (Should I? Does it?)

J said...

Personally, ...sustainable.

All Christians are that, since we all have been given a mission and all have been given talent(s) to use in His service.

Don't recognise this?

Then prayerfully read the Scriptures and seek the counsel of your church family.

Yes, a Christian does care and it does matter ...much! :)

O said...

I'm all for mission and sustainability but this graph or grid is an institutional exercise in working out which posts to keep and which to cut, not a personal spiritual thing. ;-)

M said...

It's a useful exercise for a church to do for itself, there's often a blind optimism which fails to recognise the needs, doesn't understand the mission and won't deal with the reality of the resources....

O said...

But we're not doing it for ourselves, that's my point. Useful, good, etc it may be but this is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

I think it's useful to help us consider what we have (and that could be more or less) and what is before us (and that could be more or less too). I was pleased because it was a good tool to stimulate dialogue.

I think it is something, regardless of the reason or source, that can be used for helpful and potivie things within the church, as for wider - well that's for another day!