Sunday 8 January 2012

In, Out, Up, Of

Today should be an interesting and challenging day as we come to a 'vision meeting' this evening!

During this meeting we will consider the knotty issue of sustainability and where our church sits within such considerations.

We will examine who we are and what we are called to do and why we do it - and who we are doing it with, to and for.

Church cannot move in any one direction without being grounded to three others, hence the diagram below:

As we celebrate the Epiphany - Christ being made known to the world, known to men who were bright, intelligent, educated and questioning all - may we too be bright, intelligent, educated and questioning too! May we seek answers and examine all before us, not doubting but not taking all as read - it's what God calls us to be - thinking and intelligent followers.

The 'sheep' bit is about following a shepherd not following blindly!



Undergroundpewster said...

It is helpful for a church to keep a balance of all those things your illustration presents lest the church get pulled too hard in one direction neglecting the others.

I never like those meetings, but I guess they are helpful to the church. Unfortunately, we usually have low attendance at such meetings.

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

Ours was absolutely amazing last night - a great turn-out and generally extremely positive and focussed.

A few comments which wounded and left me wondering if I should be looking at the jobs pages and reading the comments again decided not as no one would want me anyway :)

A very positive and encouraging fist step, which is a relief as a few advised me not to do it as it would end in bitter tears or worse still, bitter recriminations.

But God is indeed good and the majority were buzzing then and still are this morning.


Revsimmy said...

Thanks for the graphic, Vic. I've seen versions of this that have the up/in/out axes, but the fourth "Of" axis is a very important one, and one that very many evangelical churches, of whatever denomination or grouping, seem to ignore

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

The 'OF' is one of the most important areas for us as it is like a fixed-stage zoom device in that it provides degrees of church into focus and leaves us understanding that we are part of many, and sometimes varied, groups of believers.

Thanks for the comments,