Tuesday 22 November 2011

Our nation - Time to start occupying buildings!

We live in a time when those who have get more and those who don't find what they have taken away or restricted.

We are potentially facing a double-dip recession and the financial outlook is gloomy as Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Italy all walk the tightrope with their economies.

The British public bails out banks and are called upon to cheer as bad business is retained whilst viable bits are sold to other bankers at a loss for us.

The social housing stock is much reduced and now we find the government wants to reduce it further by selling it to residents at knockdown prices and by funding their mortgages.

The government is set to cap the amount of benefits that families receive so that those who live in areas that are 'too expensive'. A move that has the potential of creating ghettoes of both well-off and poor.

All around me I see evidence of inequality, injustice, rewarding the wrong people and in doing so I see the gap between those who have and those who don't widening and the potential of a society where 'slum dogs' and the well off living separate lives in the same place.

The reality is that which Labour did to widen the gap is being continued with the coalition and the time has come to make a stand and show our support of a government that is fair, just and kind and this will only come about by the people of this nation rising up and occupying building. To this end I'm starting my own campaign.

+ It doesn't need tents.

+ It won't bring about injunctions and eviction orders.

+ It doesn't require allegiance to any political party.

+ It doesn't care about the Euro or a federal Europe.

Yes, it is time to rise up and occupy buildings and start making things change in our own lives, our workplaces, homes, towns, cities and nation.

Occupy Your Local Church - DO IT TODAY!


Anita @ Dreaming Beneath the Spires said...

What a brilliant idea for a campaign!

Anonymous said...

I have to second Anita's comment.

A brilliant idea and a great opportunity for churches to be active and involved, is there more?

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

Thanks for your encouragement, there is more when I can put it up (Deanery Synod at the moment).

Thanks again,