Wednesday 2 November 2011

Language abuse par excellence

Taking a couple of the children to their piano lesson we ended up listening to the radio and one of the presenters (announcers, musicianists, summerisers, autumnisers ???) told us that tomorrow was going to be a great day as Amy Winehouse's record company were releasing a new record she'd made, "Post Humus-ly".

Wondered whether it might have been made pre-Tzatziki-ly?

Changed channel, despairing for the English Language, only to be told that a gig being held in Birmingham promised to be the 'funnest' event in town!

Is it any wonder the kids I meet find the English Language so extremely hard to use?


1 comment:

Ray Barnes said...

There was a time (probably before you were born), when the BBC could be relied upon absolutely in matters of grammar, pronunciation, and good sentence construction.
These days alas, they are among the worst offenders.
Apart from the misuse of words, odd additions to words seemingly made up on the spur of the moment and the awful vocal habits of news readers etc., there are the English as a second language brigade who either have no aitch in their vocabulary, or even worse, in one case, liberally sprinkle all words beginning with vowels with a heavily aspirated "h". e.g. Hof, hin, hanother, hand in place of and.
Now of course we have text with all its trunkated words just to add to the 'rainbow' affect.
Do you happen to know any Martian by any chance - I'm emigrating?