Sunday 29 May 2011

The Vicar's (and other dogcollar's) Wife

She's subtle, efficient and kind,
she always knows her mind
She's Florence Nightingale,
She's Grace Darling,
When pressed she can be the Empress Ming!
She will tolerate the idiots,
And people who 'phone,
But just cross the line,
There's no mistaking in her tone.

Kindness itself,
She'll go the extra mile (and often even two),
But just try taking liberties,
and it's the morgue for you!
She'll do the Sunday School,
And even do the flowers,
She'll do one of the readings,
And she'll stay around for hours.
The first to arrive,
and the last to leave,
She'll laughs with those who're laughing,
And she'll grieve with those who grieve.

She answers the 'phone and opens the letters,
Can't tolerate those who feel they're her betters,
Pulls down the mighty from their seat,
And marks their cards (it's quite a treat)
Should any colleague dare presume
That life begins as they enter the room.
She sees through the pompous, jumped-up sod,
But leads the penitent to God,
And helps them lead a Godly live,
Three cheers, hooray for the Vicar's Wife!

Happy Mrs Vicarage day to all the clergy Spouses out there.
And 'THANK YOU' - We really couldn't do it without you!

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