Monday 9 May 2011

Mad Priest - what the professionals say

MP wrote: "I wanted to send the following to Vic but was unable to find an email address for him so I'm posting it here.

A couple of years ago my diocese sent me to see a professor of psychiatry, chosen and paid for by themselves, who was to report back to them with an assessment of my ability to perform my priestly duties. The following is a scan of the conclusion of the psychiatrist's report:"

I have posted this as a remedy and source of information for some who have written to me privately to show that there is a degree of openness and transparency that denies some of the =comments received and perhaps warrants some consideration.

I am not seeking to vilify nor applaud, but engage in honest discussion. What I find before me leads me to consider my own attitudes and responses regarding mental health issues. Hopefully others will find themselves occupied likewise.



Anonymous said...

V interesting reading and great to see mental illemess being address positively and not pushed into a drawer. I believe that in a way that it can truly be an asset and not a burden

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

Living in Christ means to take all of us, the broken, the ugly and the beautiful. Whole Christians are always made up of broken and flawed, damaged and frightened, lonely and fearful people. We just rarely admit it others.

Thanks for you comments,
