Tuesday 23 February 2010

Giving alms - Part the Third

A very valid point was made regarding giving in that, "God gives us everything with no questions asked," the implication here being that when we give to people begging, shouldn't we engage the same policy? This is a superb question as it focusses our thinking on giving and brings God into the equation.

My first thought turned to one of my favouritest passages from the Bible (Matt 7: 9 - 11 // Lk 11: 11 -13)) which I shall Vicarise (VSV) here:

"Is there a father among us who would give his kids a snake if they ask for fish? Or a stone if they ask for bread or a scorpion if they ask for an egg? Just think about it. If man who is fallen and scuzzy can give his children good things, how much more will our father in heaven give us good things?"

God only gives us good things and He only wants that we should have good done to us and that we should do good to others. As I understand it (Biblically), if I am asked then I should give if I can - there are times when I don't have and therefore can't provide any assistance, then I obviously don't and when I do it should be good, for good and be good for the focus of my giving.

If I am asked for money 'for food' then in buying and providing food I am fulfilling that request. The same is true for anything that is asked for regardless of what it might be. If I am asked for it I am being asked as either the sole provider or to be a part of that provision in that my money would be pooled with the giving of others to purchase the focus of that giving.

If the person begging was to ask us for some money to buy drugs, would we still give? I assume the answer for most of us would be a resounding, "No way!" If we were stopped by someone who asked us to buy alcohol, would our response be any different? BUT if the person asking lies to us and tells us that they want the money for food or a cup of tea do we then think that this is now O.K. and give the money because they've changed the focus? Will the fact that they are lying now sanitise our giving?

If they ask for drug or alcohol money we would probably refuse. If they ask for food, drink or whatever - by providing we are not judging the person, neither are we removing their free will. We are merely answering their request and providing what has been asked for - just as our heavenly father does with us and so we are being 'God like' - which is the goal for all who call themselves Christian.

My problem is that many give money to people begging using the same yardstick they employ with sin, namely, "If I don't know about it then it isn't an issue!"

Galatians 6 tells me that (VSV - Vic's Standard Version):

"If someone is caught in a sin, those of us who are spiritual should restore them gently, watching ourselves in case we're tempted to look good or spiritual. We must carry each other's burdens and by doing so we will find in ourselves the fulfilment of Christ's commands for us. If we think we're something special then we deceive ourselves. Whatever we do we should test out motives and actions to make sure we don't stumble and should make sure we walk true."

For me this means providing and offering friendship and a means of engaging with God rather than merely giving and hoofing it. If the money I give results in the death of the person to whom I gave it (immediately or over a period of years of alcohol or drug abuse) then I have neither been a blessing or kept the Lord's commands as I understand them. Just because death isn't instant doesn't take away the weight of the act (or does it)?


ps. If anyone would like to dialogue further and more specifically about giving (or just about anything else) - come and join us at the Cavedwellers Forum

1 comment:

JanetinTamworth said...

A pretty good blog there! Its alwaya an issue when to give what is asked for and when to refrain for the "good" or well being of the person. As a parent we don't give in to everything our children ask for, we give what they need, whuch is our love. That is what our father above gives us. Love!