Thursday 28 January 2010

The iPad

The iPad has landed (want one, want one, want one):

 cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker.


Tristus said...

Me too, me too!
Can rely on you to be up to the mark on anything new from Apple!

Vic Van Den Bergh said...


Yes indeedy!

Actually, want two (Wendy will need one as well ;-)).

Judah said...

Before you get too carried away, you might like to read this.

Vic Van Den Bergh said...

Not a disappointment - I have an iphone and as I understand it there is the potential coming for multi-tasking but at the end of the day it is a tablet not an iphone and although some bemoan the lack of cameras, input options and the like it is, as a tablet, excellent for some of the uses I have for a tablet.

Undoubtedly there will be phone additions (Can't imagine the 3g version will miss that marketing opportunity with carriers). I can imagine that they will bow to the cries for a camera (I have a sexy, purpose built one), I imaging that there will be processor upgrades and input device and other functionality added - which is great because then it's a keyboardless laptop, but as a tablet, pure and simple - a Kindle meets Sony Reader meets media player I can see so much potential for this, especially when in theatre and needed some recreation, emails, web browse and music.

Still love it and I'm glad there are dissenting voices - how else would the product be developed and think how pleased the author of the piece you've linked to will be when he realises they've listened to him!

He'll go out and buy one and so will his friends and readers - great marketing, setting up the second generation customers before the first is released!