Friday 9 October 2009

Great minds think alike but fools seldom differ

Engaged in debate I find that coherence with the views of one organisation or group of people appears for some to be the required standard. I find this troubling and concern-making for the ability to support and agree with something does not confer right on its authors or upon those who are agreeing. After all, there were many who agreed with the writings of certain Germans (and Austrians) in the nineteen thirties and the hindsight that is history allows us to see the error in both. Great minds think alike but fools seldom differ - there are times when the thinking process will bring us to agreement over what is right and yet some, even with their blind support and acceptance of a groups views, will never be right (or in the context I am considering - orthodox).

It was claimed that coherence with ALL of the news items of a certain Christian group conveyed 'orthodoxy' and yet it is obvious reading the news items that they were complied by a person with an agenda. Nothing new there, for all news and even blogs (yes, even this one) have an agenda. Of course I have to be honest and say that other than being as sound a Christian as possible, I don't have a clue what mine is. But agreement with all that is written is not the benchmark or assurance of orthodoxy - it merely demonstrates a lack of intellectual integrity.

I accept nothing outside the Bible, and even than I continue to challenge that, without questioning it and asking what the author has to gain from the position. I seek to understand where the person writing is coming from and more importantly where they are seeking to take me. A few 'for instances':

A while back (2005) we were confronted with something that turned out to be the 'Oh Calcutta' of the 21st century - another puerile, naff and not that funny stage production - namely, "Jerry Springer The Opera'. I received an email which contained this:

"BBC 2 plans to broadcast Jerry Springer The Opera immediately after Christmas. This musical, notorious for containing over 8,000 expletives, depicts the characters of Jesus, Mary and God as self-centred sexual deviants who give and receive extreme verbal abuse and a horrific series of blasphemies all in the name of comedy. The show's artistic director admits that it is a deliberate attack on good taste and the BBC concedes that the intended broadcast "pushes back the boundaries of taste and decency". Nevertheless, the show is planned to be transmitted without any cuts."

Like any concerned Christian I contacted my Bishop to ask if he was aware of this and he responded by issuing a statement regarding it (Thank you +Jonathan). Come the broadcast I sat, like all the other good Christians, ready to swell the viewing figures, and watched the programme. I don't know where the eight thousand expletives were, unless they were in the house of the person asking me to act as he watched the programme, but I didn't hear them!

There was an agenda and this agenda was to raise public response. The email did exactly what was required but was, for me, the final straw in the 'crying Wolf!' department. Soon I took everything that was written by this group with a pinch of salt, then a sack and now I find i largely ignore it!

A recent debacle involving people who were apparently representing me, for I belong to two of the constituent groups of the organisation they spoke for, resulted in them mounting an attack against a Christian event (apparently on my behalf). There were a number of claims and charges and some of the stuff was clearly designed to get the faithful off their bums and out there campaigning and making a stand. My problem was that what was obvious was a fair degree of spin which was designed to enflame and bring about a response which supported the authors own position. What concerned me more was that this was their perception and that this perception, like JSTO, might not have been one hundred percent decent, honest or true. The upshot was that in the second case, people were sympathetic towards the event and its organisers and became a little more hardened against the campaigning group.

A couple of examples and a plea. Please. please, please can we Christians check our facts before we issue forth on a subject (sorry Jonathan)? What should have been a valid complaint regarding JSTO was made to look ridiculous as the claims were pulled down and the positions taken, knocked over, like ninepins by the truth. The same is true of the more recent situation, for I have spoken to sound and orthodox believers who attended the event and they saw nothing that was predicted, claimed or reported.

There are so many people crying 'Wolf!' these days. Their intentions are good but the method of delivery neither honours God or enables us to act against wrong where it is to be found with any integrity. There are many areas where Christians do agree with regard to action being required but these areas will go unchallenged if the fools continue in their failure to examine the reports and differ with the authors.

Be warned - not all who look like sheep are sheep. Acting wrongly to bring about the right result denies the Gospel and weakens the Christian voice.

Test yourself to see if you are in the faith - glean and blow away the chaff of misrepresentation and spin - making our stand with the things that are of God and in ways which honour Him and can be seen , by our lives, actions and attitudes, to proclaim Jesus as Lord of our lives.



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